The British Columbia Digital
- Guides and eBook Promotional Aids
- Standards
- Software
See also General Collections
by Title and general collections by place.
- Center for eBook Information, Education
& Resources. Also known as: Open an eBook.  " A program
developed by members of the Open eBook Forum" . Site includes links
to free eBook collections, eBook software, and an eBook FAQs (frequently
asked questions). Date added: 2002-01-12.
- Digital Book Index:
The Index to Digital
and Electronic eBooks " In Print" on the Web. Summary: " Digital Book Index provides links to more than 88,000 title records from
more than 1800 commercial and non-commercial publishers,
universities, and various private sites. About 49,900 of these books, texts, and
documents are available free, while many others are available at very
modest cost." Bibliographic data can be searched or browsed a variety of
ways. Date accessed: 2004-03-08. Date added: 2004-03-08.
- eBook
Compilers. Kitimat, BC: eBooks N' Bytes. Primarily a guide to eBook
software tools, but does include links to general information and downloads
of free eBooks. Date added: 2001-12-28.
- e-Book Connections.
This site includes a useful Reader’s E-Book Primer: An Introduction and Guide to
World of Electronic Books  by Jamie Engle (HTML ed. Richardson, Texas:
eBC Press, 2000-2004) and a similar guide to Palm OS ebooks by the same
author, Books in the Palm of Your Hand. Date accessed: 2002-07-02. Date added: 2002-07-02.
- The eBook Directory. Ennis,
County Clare, Ireland: Noel Hynes. A Yahoo-style directory with
a site-search engine for free individual eBook titles, eBook collections,
and Web
sites about  the eBook industry. Date added: 2002-01-12.
- Kitimat, BC: eBooks N' Bytes. Contains articles, books and online resources,
including downloadable eBooks, for
promoting an eBook. Date added: 2002-01-12.
- eBook
Tool Kit. Boulder, CO:
netLibrary. This promotional kit is intended for libraries affiliated with the service.
Date accessed: 2002-07-02. Date added: 2002-07-02. Date updated: 2003-02-03.
- Another source for
Web news about the eBook industry. Date added: 2002-01-12.
- Kitimat, BC: eBooks N' Bytes. The
primary focus of this site is as a distributor of eBook Web news, as well
as tips on promoting eBooks. Date added: 2002-01-12.
- Commercial eBook
bookstore which includes current information on eBook handheld devices and
eBook proprietary formats. Date added: 2002-01-12.
- eBooks in Lincoln, Maine: This site describes itself as " the first commercially-neutral registry of electronic publications."
Date accessed: 2002-07-02. Date added: 2002-07-02.
- Elegant Solutions
Software and Publishing Company (Kenneth Mattern). Site contains a variety
of Microsoft Reader format eBooks (modern and historic titles), all of which
are free and unrestricted. Date accessed: 2002-02-04. Date accessed: 2002-02-04.
- Planet eBook. Australia and USA:
BinaryThing. Founded in 1997, this is only one of several interconnected
sites by this company which looks at electronic publishing. Date accessed:
2002-07-02. Date added: 2002-07-02.
- DAISY (Digital Audio-based Information SYstem)
Consortium. International organization
working towards a standard and implementation strategies for the
production, exchange and use of digital talking-books (DTBs) using XML. The
DAISY 2.02 Specification was formally recommended by the consortium on February
28, 2001 an errata was issued on November 23, 2001. Date added: 2001-12-15.
- DOI-eBook
Initiative. Kidlington, Oxford, UK: International DOI Foundation. A
special working group was established by the foundation to address the integration
of the DOI system into eBook formats. Date added: 2002-01-10.
- Open
eBook Forum. International effort to establish an open-source
publication standard for
eBooks. This organization plans to amalgamate with the
Electronic Book Exchange (EBX) Working
Group. Date updated: 2001-12-27.
For a comprehensive list of eBook software (creation and conversion tools,
readers, digital rights management systems, and hardware) see Planet eBook's
eBook Tools &
Technologies List.
Selected Intel, Macintosh & Palm, Pocket PC eBook Reading Software




Reader (GlobalMentor, Inc.)

Reader (Palm Digital Media)

Compiled by David
Mattison, Victoria Telecommunity
Network, BC. Copyright 2000-2011 by the
BC Community Network Association. This
site may be freely linked to but not duplicated in any fashion without the
consent of the BCCNA.