The British Columbia Digital
International Collections: Europe
The focus of this set of links is on collections
of electronic texts (not individual titles) preserved through libraries,
archives, museums and corporate or private initiatives. Listings here are
therefore primarily for the written word as expressed in manuscripts, books and
periodicals, including newspapers. A few non-book digital library collections
are included. Readers wishing further leads to non-book digital content should
consult one of the directories or guides.
Unless indicated, access to these Web sites is free and open to the
general public.
International Collections by Institution: Europe
Includes the United Kingdom, Russia and all former Soviet states,
Turkey, the Middle East (excluding Egypt), including Afghanistan.
See also Digital Collections by
Subject and Directories, Guides, Portals and Search Engines to Digital
- European Union
- Afghanistan
- Austria
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- France
- Germany
- Greece
- Hungary
- Iran
- Italy
- Netherlands
- Poland
- Portugal
- Russian Federation
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- United Kingdom (England, Northern Ireland, Scotland,
(Cultural Applications: Local Institutions Mediating Electronic Resource
Access). European Commission, 2004-. Summary: " CALIMERA, a coordination action under the EU's IST
programme , will assist local institutions (libraries, museums, archives) to
apply and develop innovative technologies and strategies for serving ordinary
citizens in their everyday lives." See the Links section for various resources
on digitization by libraries, museums and archives, related projects, and
European Union digitial culture resources. See also: MINERVA
PULMANweb. Date accessed: 2004-08-28. Date added:
- The European Library
(TEL). Sponsored by the European Commission as a special, 30-month project to
provide integrated access to digital collections among the ten partner
institutions. The project concluded on January 31, 2004. The site, along
with Gabriel, will remain online until The European Library service launches.
Date updated: 2004-05-29.
- French-Italian Portal for Digitised Collections. Part of: MICHAEL. Summary: " In the scope of the European project Minerva, French and Italian ministries of culture have launched a joint portal for digitised cultural collections. This project is a first step to build common cultural online services. It is based upon locally
maintained catalogues of digital cultural content." The portal links to the France's Catalogue des fonds culturels numé risé s and Italy's Catalogo dei Fondi Culturali Digitalizzati. Date accessed: 2005-04-09. Date added: 2005-04-09.
- Gabriel: Gateway to Europe's National Libraries
(Conference of European National Librarians hosted by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek,
This site also includes access to the international Bibliotheca universalis
and online exhibitions of selected treasures from European and international
libraries. Date added: 2002-09-03.
- MICHAEL (Multilingual Inventory of Cultural Heritage in Europe). Summary: " ...a spin-off project from the activities carried out by MINERVA working group 'Inventories, discovery of digitised content, multilingualism issues.' " Component sites: French-Italian Portal for Digitised Collections. Date
accessed: 2005-04-09. Date added: 2005-04-09.
- MINERVA (Ministerial Network for Valorising Activities in Digitisation). Rome, Italy: Coordinated by the Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali.
Summary: " The aim of Minerva is to create a network of Member States' Ministries
to discuss, correlate and harmonise activities carried out in digitisation of
cultural and scientific content, for creating an agreed European common
platform, recommendations and guidelines about digitisation, metadata, long-term
accessibility and preservation." Beginning in February 2004, the scope
of the program was expanded and renamed to MinervaPLUS. Minerva operates
under the Lund Principles adopted at a meeting in Lund, Norway, on April
4, 2001, and member states implement digitization efforts under the Lund
Action Plan. Minerva is one of several projects under the European Union's
eEurope initiative. Date accessed: 2004-08-28. Date added: 2004-08-28. Date updated: 2005-04-09.
- PULMANweb. European Commission,
The PULMAN (Public Libraries Mobilising Advanced Networks)   Network
of Excellence project includes
the creation of digital library guidelines. The site offers access to European
public libraries and distance educaton opportunities. See also: CALIMERA.
Date added: 2002-09-03. Date updated: 2004-08-28.
- The
Afghanistan Digital Library. New York, NY: New York University. Summary:
" The ultimate purpose of the project is to make available both on readable
electronic media and on the internet the entire publishing output of
Afghanistan, searchable by title, author, subject, and date. The project will
begin with the earliest books and proceed chronologically. At some point, a
decision may be made to expand the scope to include rare newspapers, journals,
and government documents but at the outset the project will be limited to
The pilot project phase of selected 43 books published between 1871 and 1900
for digitization. Date accessed: 2003-05-03. Date added: 2003-05-03.
- Austrian Literature Online.
A project of the Graz University Library, the
University of Innsbruck Library, and the Interuniversitä res Institut fü r
Informationssysteme zur Unterstü tzung sehgeschä digter Studierender. Includes
periodicals dating from the 19th and 20th centuries. Date added:
2002-09-04. Date updated: 2002-09-08.
- Ná rodní knihovne (National Library), NK Digital Library.
Because the library's computer network  was damaged by summer floods
of 2002, some links may not work. Date added: 2002-09-08.
- Danmarks Elektroniske Forskningsbibliotek (DEF
Denmark's Electronic Research Library).
Bilingual interface: Danish and English. Co-operative project established under
the Danish National Library Authority by the Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Research, and Ministry of Education.
Date added: 2002-09-08.
- Det Kongelige Bibliotek (Royal Library of
Denmark), ELEKTRA: e-resources.
Includes digital facsimiles of selected historic manuscripts between the
Middle Ages and the 20th century, along with the Danish National Archives
of Literature. Date added: 2002-09-08.
- La Mé diathè que Narbonne, La Bibliothè que virtuelle. As of 2007 02 17, this " virtual library" contains 32 digital facsimile volumes of works that appeared between the 15th and 19th centuries. Date accessed: 2007-02-17. Date added: 2007-02-17.
- Bibliothè quemunicipale de Lyon, Collections numé risé es.
Includes digital facsimiles of illuminated manuscripts (medieval and early Renaissance), books, posters,
prints and engravings accessible through individual databases. Date accessed:
2004-08-24. Date added: 2004-08-24.
- Bibliothè que municipale de Senlis, Bibliothè que
rique. Multimedia collection including texts (Adobe Acrobat PDF files)
posters by the artist Charles Hallo (1882-1969). Date accessed: 2004-09-07.
Date added: 2004-09-07.
- Bibliothè que nationale de France (National Library of France),
Gallica. French-only Web interface.
Digitized books, chiefly French
language but including works in other languages such as English
and German, linked to catalogue records. The digital editions are presented
in at least two different formats: HTML transcriptions or Adobe Acrobat
PDF digital facsimile files. Use the Discovery (Dé couverte) hyperlink to
view the digital collections by themes (Thè mes), chronologies (Chronologies),
graphical works (Iconographie, monnaies), dictionaries and encyclopedias
(Dictionnaires), alphabetically by
author-title (Mode). Date accessed: 2002-02-08. Dated updated: 2002-02-08.
- Fondation Napoleon,
Archives et documents napolé oniens. Collection of digitized texts and pictorial
material issued during the Napoleonic era. Includes legal texts. Date accessed:
2004-09-07. Date added: 2004-09-07.
- Ministè re de la culture et de la communication, Catalogue des fonds culturels numé risé s. Summary: " Le catalogue dé crit les fonds (textuels, iconographiques, sonores, audiovisuels...) numé risé s ou en cours de numé risation, conservé s dans les bibliothè ques, services d'archives, musé es, services patrimoniaux et autres institutions culturelles en France. Il permet d'identifier
et localiser ces fonds et, le cas é ché ant, de les consulter en ligne." See also: French-Italian Portal for Digitised Collections. Date accessed: 2005-04-09. Date added: 2005-04-09.
- Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Bavaria State Library, Munich), Bayerische Landesbibliothek Online.
This site brings together multimedia digitized resources focused on Bavaria.
Date added: 2002-09-04.
- Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Bavaria State
Library, Munich), Digitale
Bibliothek (Digital Library). Be sure to check the Digitale Sammlungen
(Digital Collections) link with chiefly historical works encoded in SGML, along
with photographs and historical maps. Date added: 2002-09-04.
- Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Bavaria State
Library, Munich), Mü nchener Digitalisierungszentrum (Munich Digitization Center). Date added: 2002-09-04.
- Bibliotheksservice-Zentrum
rttemberg), Digital
Library. Contains links to full-text and multimedia digital collections
within the service area of this library system. Date added: 2002-09-04.
- Bibliotheksverbund Bayern,
Gateway Bayern Virtuelle-Digitale Bibliothek.
Bilingual interface: German and English. This site features a parallel search engine, full-text resources, other library catalogs, and document delivery
library services for registered Bavarian library users. Guest users can access
the search engine but not necessarily other gateway components. Alternate URL
(same content, different interface from the Hochschulbibliothekszentrum des Landes
added: 2002-09-04.
- Die Deutsche Bibliothek (German National
Library). To
represent German nationals who left the country during the Nazi years
(1933-1945), the library collects and digitizes selected publications for its
Collections. Date updated: 2002-09-04.
- Digital Library Forum. Darmstadt,
Germany: Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Fö rderung der angewandten Forschung.
This site is tracking digital library research within German public institutions
use the Suche (Search) link to access the database or you can browse the
database by selecting the Themen or the Fö rderung links. There is also  a
list of upcoming conferences and meetings (Veranstaltungen) and a Links page to other digital
library gateway and organizational sites. Date accessed: 2002-10-07. Date
added: 2002-10-07.
- Distributed Digital Research Library (Verteilten Digitalen Forschungsbibliothek). Gö ttingen:
Gö ttingen State and University Library. List of digitization projects supported
by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation). Date
added: 2002-09-04.
- Gemeinsamer
Bibliotheksverbund. Bilingual interface: German and English. GBV (Common Library Network)
serves the German states Bremen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Niedersachsen,
Sachsen-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein und Thü ringen. Select the Databanken (Databases)
link to access over 44,000 full-text documents (modern and historica) within  the
Online Resourcen (Online Resources) link. Date added: 2002-09-04.
- Gö ttingen State and University Library (Niedersä chsische
Staats- und Universitä tsbibliothek Gö ttingen, Germany),
Digital Library
(Digitale Bibliothek).
Portions of the Web site are available in English. A variety of public and restricted electronic publications including electronic
theses by university students are available. Completed projects of the university's Center
for Retrospective Digitization (Gö ttinger DigitalisierungsZentrum
[GDZ]) are found in the
Digital Collections by Subject.
The GDZ is one of the most important sources of digitized German and other
books and magazines for the 19th and earlier centuries in the fields of autobiography,
history, travel  and exploration (including early North Americana), and  mathematics.
- Heinrich-Heine University, Universitä ts- und Landesbibliothek
Dü sseldorf (ULB, Germany),
The Dü sseldorf
Virtual Library (DVB): A Collection of Internet Resources of Academic and
General Interest. Multilingual searchable directory with links to multimedia
digital collections and electronic texts, many of which are based in
- Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbü ttel (HAB Wolfenbü ttel), Wolfenbü tteler Digitale
Bibliothek (Wolfenbü ttel Digital
Library). Bilingual interface: German and English. See also: HAB Wolfenbuttel,  Frü he Neuzeit Digital (Linklisten)
(Digital Early Modern Times [Link Lists]) which lists other selected digital
collections in Germany and around the world. Date added: 2002-09-07. Date
updated: 2004-09-08.
- Humboldt-Universitä t zu Berlin, Dokumenten- und Publikationsserver
(Documents and Publications Server). Date added: 2002-09-04.
- Inventory
of Primary Web Resources in the Distributed Digital Research Library.
Gö ttingen: Gö ttingen State and University Library. List of digitization
projects supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research
Foundation). Date added: 2002-09-04.
- Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Digital Research Library.
links to full-text and multimedia digital libraries with which the institute
is involved. Bilingual interface (German and English). See also: Digital
Collections by Subject. Date accessed: 2004-03-06.
Date added: 2004-03-06.
- Max-Planck-Institut fü r europä ische
Rechtsgeschichte (Max Planck Institute for European Legal History), Digitale
Bibliothek. Contains three digital collections for the study of European
legal history:   19th century legal sources from German, Austrian and
Swiss materials, academic dissertations on legal subjects from the 16th
to the 18th centuries, and 19th century legal publications. Date accessed:
2004-08-27. Date added: 2004-08-27.
- Max Planck Society, eDoc Server. Date
accessed: 2004-03-06. Date added: 2004-03-06.
- Max Planck Society, Virtual Library
(vLib). Guest login with limited access rights available registration required
for full access includes full-text resources. Date accessed: 2004-03-06.
Date added: 2004-03-06.
- Project
CAMENA (Corpus Automatum Manhemiense Electorum Neolatinitatis
Auctorum). Bilingual interface: German and English. " Universitä t Heidelberg
Lehrstuhl Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Kü hlmann
Kooperation mit dem Rechenzentrum der Universitä t Mannheim und
der Universitä tsbibliothek Mannheim." This site contains digital
facsimiles and XML-encoded transcripts of Latin poetry by 50 German
writers dating between the 16th and 18th centuries.
Date added: 2002-09-04.
- Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Digitale Sammlungen. See also: Digital
Collections by Subject. Date accessed: 2004-09-08. Date added: 2004-09-08.
- Universitä t Biefeld, Bibliothek, Digitale Volltexte. Contents page with descriptions and links to several full-text digitized collections of manuscripts and printed works, some of which are also listed in this section of the BC Digital Library. Date accessed: 2004-10-05. Date added: 2004-10-05.
- Universitä t Biefeld, Bibliothek, Digitalisierte Drucke und Autographen
(Digitized Imprints and Manuscripts). A remarkable variety of works dating from
the late 15th to the early 20th centuries, including a six volume 1723 to
1725 edition of The Works of Mr. William Shakespear (London). Manuscripts
that are digitized will have a link (Dokument einsehen) at the bottom of
the full item description. Date
added: 2002-09-04.
- Universitä t Biefeld, Bibliothek, Retrospektive Digitalisierung
wissenschaftlicher Rezensionsorgane und Literaturzeitschriften des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts aus dem deutschen Sprachraum.
Full-text searchable or browsable collection of German language science
and literary magazines. Several  of these magazines reported on global
events from a German perspective. Date added: 2002-09-04.
- Universitä t Essen, Essener Digitale  Bibliothek, MILESS (Multimedialer Lehr- und Lernserver Essen).
A multimedia, full-text electronic collection that can be browsed or searched.
Date accessed: 2002-10-07. Date added: 2002-10-07.
- Universitä t Mannheim,
MADOC (Mannheim Electronic Document Server).
Date added: 2002-09-04.
- Universitä t Mannheim,
MATEO: Mannheimer Texte Online.
A collection of rare books and manuscripts are featured on this site. A
link is  found here to Project CAMENA.
Date added: 2002-09-04.
- Universitä ts- und Landesbibliothek Mü nster, MIAMI
(Mü nstersche Informations- und Archivsystem multimedialer Inhalte).
" miami ist eine kooperative Dienstleistung der Universitä ts- und
Landesbibliothek und des Zentrums fü r Informationsverarbeitung der
Westfä lischen Wilhelms-Universitä t Mü nster." " Das
'Mü nstersche Informations- und Archivsystem multimedialer Inhalte'
...  ist der 'Dokumentenserver' fü r Publikation und Archivierung
digitaler und multimedialer Dokumente an der Westfä lischen Wilhelms-Universitä t
Mü nster."   Date accessed: 2004-03-06. Date added: 2004-03-06.
- Universitä tsbibliothek Augsburg, Digitale
Bibliothek. Date added: 2002-09-07.
- Universitä tsbibliothek Freiburg, Digitalisierungsprojekte.
Description of  and links to digitization projects managed by the Freiburg
University Library. Date accessed: 2004-03-06. Date added: 2004-03-06.
- Universitä tsbibliothek Freiburg, FreiDok
(Freiburger Dokumentenserver). Institutional repository/document server
for Freiburg University. Date accessed: 2004-03-06. Date added: 2004-03-06.
- Universitä tsbibliothek Freiburg, Navigator
Elektronische Publikationen. Search interface for the Freiburg University
Library's digital library collections. Date accessed: 2004-03-06. Date added:
- Universitä tsbibliothek
Mannheim, Digitale Bibliothek.
Contains links to electronic resources created, acquired or licensed by
the university. Date added: 2002-09-04.
(Virtuelle Fachbibliothek), the Subject-Based Virtual Library: A Co-operation
of German Virtual Libraries. Maintained at the Universitä tsbibliothek
Hannover und Technischen Informationsbibliothek
and sponsored by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation).
Bilingual interface: German and English. Date added: 2002-09-04.
- Kosmopolis Digital Collection. Rio Patras, Greece: Library & Information Service, University of Patras, 2004-. Unilingual  interface: Greek. Search or browse through Greek language periodicals published from mid-19th to start of the 20th century.  The software was developed by the publisher and supports the Open Archives Initiative Protocol  for  Metadata  Harvesting  (OAI-PMH). Date accessed: 2004-10-30.
Date added: 2004-10-30.
- Persian Digital Library.
Tehran, Iran: Sharif University of Technology. " ...Persian (Farsi) digital library consisting of everything from literature and poems to legal texts and articles."
Date added: 2002-01-02.
- Biblioteca Nazionale
Centrale Firenze. Access selected digital facsimiles of Galileo's letters
(Italian-only database) via
- Centro Ricerche Informatiche per i
Beni Culturali (CRIBeCu Information Science Research Centre for Cultural Heritage),
Biblioteca. Chiefly consists of SGML-encoded transcripts of various early
Italian published works. The institute developed its own text retrieval
system, TReSY, for use with these digital editions. See also Digital
Collections by Subject. Date accessed: 2004-08-29. Date added: 2004-08-30.
- Ministero per I Beni e le Attività Culturali, Catalogo dei Fondi Culturali Digitalizzati see French-Italian Portal for Digitised Collections. Date added: 2005-04-09.
- Ministero per I Beni e le Attività Culturali, Internet Culturale. Portal to Italian digital culture content, including  guides  to digital collections (Collezioni digitali) and digitized content (Contenuti digitali). As of April 9, 2005, the digitized content features around  30,000 documents consisting of 800,000 images. Bilingual interface: Italian and English. See also: French-Italian
Portal for Digitised Collections. Date accessed: 2005-04-09. Date added: 2005-04-09.
Digitale bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse letteren (DBNL, Netherlands).
A joint project of several academic organizations, featured
here is selected Dutch literature in HTML format from the medieval era to the 20th
century. The site includes information on Dutch authors and links to other related
Internet/Web resources. Date updated: 2002-09-08.
- Nationale bibliotheek van Nederland (National Library of the
Netherlands), Digital
Collections. Includes digital atlases.
- Nationale bibliotheek van Nederland (National Library of the
Netherlands), Memory
of the Netherlands (Geheugen van Nederland). A multimedia collection
of digitized material reflecting the cultural heritage of the Netherlands.
- NEDLIB (Networked European Deposit
Library hosted by the National Library of the Netherlands). A " collaborative
project of European national libraries" to build a networked depository library
system for electronic publications. A series of reports on various aspects of
digital library infrastructure are available online or may be ordered in
- Project Laurens Janszoon Coster: Nederlandstalige klassieke literatuur in elektronische
edities. This site is placing Dutch literary works online. The electronic texts
range in time from the 13th to the 20th centuries. Date accessed: 2002-10-09.
Date added: 2002-10-09.
- University of Amsterdam (Universiteit van Amsterdam), Library (Bibliotheek), Digital
Library = Digitale Bibliotheek. Includes full-text resources. Bilingual inerface: Dutch and
English. Date accessed: 2002-10-09. Date added: 2002-10-09. Date updated:
- University of Amsterdam (Universiteit van Amsterdam), Library (Bibliotheek), Digital
Production Centre = Digitaal Productiecentrum. Bilingual interface: Dutch and English. Production
facility with links to its digitization projects. See also: Digital
Collections by Subject. Date accessed: 2002-10-09.
Date added: 2002-10-09. Date updated: 2004-03-30.
- Vereniging Digitaal Erfgoed Nederland
Netherlands Digital Heritage Association). This organization offers workshops,
courses, and acts as a clearinghouse for information on heritage and cultural
digitization efforts with a Dutch focus. Date accessed: 2002-12-23. Date
added: 2002-12-23.
- Wielkopolska Biblioteka Cyfrowa
= Digital Library of Wielkopolska. Implemented with the Polish dLibra digital
library framework. Date accessed: 2004-03-06. Date added: 2004-03-06.
- Biblioteca Nacional,
Biblioteca Nacional Digital
(National Digital Library).
The digital facsimile works
on this remarkable site date back to the 16th century. The site interface is entirely
in Portuguese. Some titles are in languages other than Portuguese and include
a few rare early works of maritime exploration. The BND also links to the
Biblioteca Nacional's depository for digital academic theses and dissertations
see also DiTeD. See also: Digital
Collections by Subject. Date accessed: 2002-06-21. Date updated: 2004-03-06.
Entirely in Russian, this site appears to be a Russian equivalent of Project
Gutenberg. In addition to transcribed Russian language and books in other
languages, you'll also find links to other media such as MP3 files. Date
accessed: 2003-05-06. Date added: 2003-05-06.
- Open Russian Electronic Library
= Открытая
русская электронная библиотека. Moscow:  Russian
State Library. Offers HTML transcriptions, Microsoft Word documents,  and
digital facsimiles (Adobe Acrobat PDF files) of a wide assortment of Russian
language texts (originals in Russian or translations from other languages).
Date accessed: 2003-12-26. Date added: 2003-12-26.
- Digitalna knjižnica Slovenije = Digital Library of Slovenia. Provides free access to digitized Slovenian writings, visual (photographs, maps, posters), sheet music  and audio-visual records and publications. Date access: 2008-06-22. Date added: 2008-06-22.
- Universitat de Valè ncia, Biblioteca
digital. Consists of digital facsimiles of rare works and incunabula
with brief catalog records. Funded by IBM Global Services, site appears
to be using DB2 software. Date accessed:
2004-03-06. Date added: 2004-03-06.
- Perroud, Pierre, compiler.
Helvetia Page. Based in Switzerland, this sub-section lists works by Swiss
authors edited at ATHENA in HTML format or linked to external Web sites.
United Kingdom (England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales)
- Arts and
Humanities Data Service (AHDS, United Kingdom). A distributed service, with
a gateway single-search interface to its core collections, including the
Oxford Text Archive and general Web resources on arts and
the humanities, the AHDS also produces digital content management
- British Library, Digital Library Programme.
Includes the Magna Carta and two copies of a Gutenberg Bible in digital
facsimile. The Early Printed Collections Digitisation Projects site is also
found here. See also Digital Collections by
- De Montfort University (Leicester, England), Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Centre for Technology and the
Arts. See also Digital Collections by
Subject. Date accessed: 2004-08-22. Date added: 2004-08-22.
- EBONI (Electronic Books
ON-screen Interface) Catalogue (CDLR, Scotland, UK). Search
or browse for teaching and learning electronic publications, most of which are
from the United Kingdom post-secondary (college and university) educational
institutions. Portions of this site have been migrated to
the Resource Discovery Network. Date updated:
- Glasgow Digital Library (Scotland,
UK). Joint project established in August 1999 and managed by CDLR to create a virtual library service for Glasgow
- King's College London, Centre for Computing in the Humanities. Research, teaching and support for digital content production. The centre also hosts the AHRC ICT Methods Network which was established in April 2005 in partnership with four other British academic institutions. Date accessed: 2005-06-18. Date added: 2005-06-18.
- National Archives of the United Kingdom, DocumentsOnline. Search for digitized archival records for free and pay a fee per image to view each document. Links to digitized census records are also avialable. Date accessed: 2008-01-09. Date added: 2008-01-09.
- National Library of Scotland, Digital
Library. Multimedia digital collections on a variety of subjects. Date
accessed: 2004-08-22. Date added: 2004-08-22.
- National Library of Wales, The Digital
Mirror. Select the Treasures link to view results of the library's
multimedia digitization program. Date accessed: 2002-06-20. Date added: 2002-06-20.
- National Library of Wales and others, Gathering
the Jewels = Casglu'r Tlysau. Launched in September 2002, " The goal of the project was to put the cream of Wales' cultural history, from
repositories throughout Wales, on the Internet for people to learn from and
The collection can be browsed by thematic topics or searched a
variety of ways. The collection includes some text-based materials such
as letters. The advanced search option does not include the ability to search
by format (e.g., photograph, artwork, letter, book, and so on). Date accessed:
2003-11-22. Date added: 2003-11-22.
- Oxford University, Digital Initiatives. List
of various digital projects around the campus.
- Oxford University, Bodleian Library,
Digital Library Projects.
Includes Early Manuscripts at Oxford
- Resource
Discovery Network (RDN). Operated by staff of UKOLN (University of Bath)
and King's College London, the RDN integrates the operation of subject-based
hubs which provide access to Internet resources selected for higher and
continuing education learners and teachers.  The five hubs are: BIOME (Health and Life Sciences)
EEVL (Engineering, Mathematics and
Humbul (Humanities) PSIgate (Physical Sciences) and SOSIG (Social Sciences, Business and Law).
Searches are through keyword input or by navigating through Yahoo!-like
subject categories. Date accessed: 2002-06-20. Date added: 2002-06-20.
- Resources for Learning in
Scotland. Consortium of archives and libraries led by the National Library
of Scotland to create digital content celebrating Scottish culture and history.
The site is integrated with and complements the Scottish Cultural Resources
Access Network (SCRAN) which is primarily
a database of audio-visual materials. Date updated: 2002-09-08.
- Strathclyde University (Scotland), Centre for
Digital Library Research.
Established in the summer 1999, among its past and current
research projects
are: EBONI
(Electronic Books ON-screen Interface, 2000-2003), the Glasglow
Digital Library (1999-present), INSPIRAL (INveStigating Portals for Information
Resources And Learning, May-October 2001), SAPIENS
(Scottish Academic Periodicals: Implementing an Effective Networked Service,
June 2001-2003). The CDLR developed two  search engines for locating
hardcopy and electronic resources within Scottish libraries or about Scotland:
CAIRNS (Co-operative Information Retrieval Network for Scotland)
and SCONE (Scottish Collections Network). Use the CAIRNS Miniclump search option to locate open-access
electronic resources.  Use SCONE to find collections of information
in Scottish institutions. Date  updated: 2002-09-08.
- Strathclyde University (Scotland), Centre for
Digital Library Research, Digital
Information Office. This service manages the university's electronic
resources available through two servers: StarFish and StrathPrints. The
office also provides a series of guides and standards publications on creating
and administering digital resources. Date  added: 2002-09-08.
- TASI: Technical Advisory
Service for Images. " The Technical Advisory Service for Images is a service that has been set up to
provide advice and guidance to the Further and Higher Education community on the
issues of creating, delivering and using digital images together with managing
digitisation projects. ... TASI has been funded by the Joint
Information Systems Committee (JISC) and is hosted at the Institute for Learning and Research
Technology (ILRT) at the University of
  Date accessed: 2002-12-23. Date added: 2002-12-23.
- University of Edinburgh and Centre of Canadian Studies, Scotland's
Transatlantic Relations (STAR). Summary: " STAR's mission is to
further the study of Scotland's connections with North America and the Caribbean."
The site includes the STAR Archive with multimedia electronic resources
relating to STAR's mission. Date accessed: 2002-10-25.  Date added: 2002-10-25.
Compiled by David
Mattison, Victoria Telecommunity
Network, BC. Copyright © 2000-2011 by the
BC Community Network Association. This
site may be freely linked to but not duplicated in any fashion without the
consent of the BCCNA.