The British Columbia Digital
Digital Library Collections By Subject: German
Includes medieval illuminated manuscripts.
See also under Literature: General
Works, and literature time periods.
- Alexander von Humboldt Digital Library.
Offenburg, Germany: University of Applied Sciences. " A research project in cooperation with American and German
Summary (Text archive > Online text research): " This is a pilot prototype of a multimedia online digital archive on Alexander
von Humboldt as a digital network." Date accessed: 2004-09-08. Date added:
- Austrian Newspapers Online: Historische
österreichische Zeitungen und Zeitschriften Online. Wien, Österreich: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek,
2004-. " In Kooperation mit: Parlamentsbibliothek [und] Universitätsbibliothek
Newspapers from the Habsburg Monarchy and Austria dating from
the 1780s to 1938. Non-searchable, click-through access is by date or by
newspaper title. Date accessed: 2004-03-30. Date added: 2004-03-30.
- Deutsches
RechtsWörterbuch (DRW). Hosted by the University of Heidelberg, Germany.
An online  German legal dictionary, which includes searchable, digitized
texts. Date accessed: 2004-08-27. Date added: 2004-08-27.
- Deutschsprachige Autorinnen und Autoren:
Eine Navigationshilfe zu Fundstellen im World Wide
Web. Hong Kong, China: Goethe-Institut Hong Kong. Descriptive subject gateway
in German to Internet resources by, including full-text (volltexte) resources,  and
about  important historic and contemporary German-speaking authors.
Date accessed: 2004-08-26. Date added: 2004-08-26.
- DigiZeitschriften:
das deutsche Zeitschriften Archiv.
Göttingen, Germany: DigiZeitschriften e.V. Digital archive of German periodicals.
DigiZeitschriften is headquartered at the Göttingen State and University Library (Niedersächsische
Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, or SUB Göttingen). Date accessed: 2004-03-06.
Date added: 2004-03-06.
- Exile Collections (Die Deutsche
Bibliotek, Germany). The library acquires and selectively digitizes " printed
and non-printed documents of German-speaking emigrants and exiles during the
period from 1933 to 1945."
- Foto Marburg
(Kunstgeschichtlichen Institut, Philipps-Universität, Germany). Includes
digitized medieval manuscripts, electronic dissertations and online art and
- German Online
Resources (Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library).
Searchable/browsable collection of electronic versions of German language works
(chiefly literature). Some works are restricted works.
- Heinrich-Heine-Portal,
ein integriertes Informationssystem. Düsseldorf, Germany: Heinrich-Heine-Instituts,
2003. Site devoted to the  German poet Heinrich Heine (1797-1856).
- Max-Planck-Institut für europäische
Rechtsgeschichte (Max Planck Institute for European Legal History), Digitale
Bibliothek. Contains three digital collections for the study of European
legal history:   19th century legal sources from German, Austrian and
Swiss materials, academic dissertations on legal subjects from the 16th
to the 18th centuries, and 19th century legal publications. Date accessed:
2004-08-27. Date added: 2004-08-27.
- Meyers
Konversations-Lexikon. Temmenhausen, Germany: Christian Aschoff.
Digital facsimile of the 14th edition (1888-1889) of a 16-volume encyclopedia
published in Leipzig, Germany. The encyclopedia can be browsed or keyword
searched, and the encyclopedia can be viewed as either  HTML pages or
in black and white digital facsimile. Date accessed: 2004-03-27. Date added:
(Open Access to Scientific Literature Online): Karlsruher Virtueller Volltextkatalog.
Karlsruhe, Germany: Universitätsbibliothek, Universität Karlsruhe. Bilingual
(German and English) full-text search service to scientific publications
available in various institutional repositories in  Germany and elsewhere.
Date accessed: 2004-03-06. Date added: 2004-03-06.
- Preußische Rechtsquellen
Digital.Berlin, Germany: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin. Digital facsimiles of Prussian
laws published between the 1700s and 1800s. Date accessed: 2004-08-27. Date
added: 2004-08-27.
- Retrospektive Digitalisierung
wissenschaftlicher Rezensionsorgane und Literaturzeitschriften des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts aus dem deutschen Sprachraum. Biefeld,
Germany: Bibliothek, Universität Biefeld.
Full-text searchable or browsable collection of German language science
and literary magazines. Several  of these magazines reported on global
events from a German perspective. Date added: 2002-09-04. Date updated:
Compiled by David
Mattison, Victoria Telecommunity
Network, BC. Copyright © 2000-2011 by the
BC Community Network Association. This
site may be freely linked to but not duplicated in any fashion without the
consent of the BCCNA.